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General Overview

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 7:00 pm
by admin
A very general overview

The goal of quality circles is not only to solve problems but also to promote teamwork and develop new skills.

The Quality circle lasts 19 weeks. The next round starts in January.

The quality circle coordinator in HR is Diana Kensing. Email: [email protected].

The QC team organizes itself and establishes its goals. It then comes up with several problems to analyze. It ultimately selects one as its theme. The theme is the circle’s problem to solve. The theme is then analyzed to find its root cause.

After the root cause is confirmed, the team comes up with candidate countermeasures. After the most effective countermeasure is selected, a plan is made for its implementation.

The QC team then implements the solution. The countermeasure is then monitored to determine its effectiveness.

Each step in this process has an associated document that must be produced by the circle members. The document may be a list, form, chart, graph etc. These documents are the components that go on the story board.

The story board is used to present the project to the managers.

The TL handles all of the official forms that are required to be submitted to the QC coordinator in HR as well as providing approval and guidance for circle activities.

The QC steps, tools and explanations will be posted as we go. However, you can also view training videos on Toyota’s training website.(not the app).

Go to . Then find an icon that says TMMAL. Click that and you will see a menu of red boxes. Click the one that says "The Learning Center". Your personal learning page loads. There will probably not be much on the page. Click in the search box in the top right corner and search for "TBP Interactive Guide With Pro Tips". When the search finds it, click on it and it will add the course to your page. Click on the course to watch it.